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Facial Tuner can:
• Smoothen skin: Take off wrinkles and skin blemishes, providing you with a dashing skin tone.
• Remove facial imperfections such as acne, pimples, or even moles. Stray eyebrows are a thing of the past! You can even fake a shave, or change your hairstyle dramatically with different tones and highlights.
• Give your eyes a make over with a deeper look and by changing their colors.
• Add powder and blush using make-up tools. Remove circles under your eyes.
• Add tints, hues, and more saturation.
•Play with dozens of filters, frames, stickers, and more.
• Pretend to be with a celebrity using celebrity backdrop wall papers.
• High resolution output to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, or email.
Require : Android OS 1.6 and up
Facial Tuner v2.4.2 apk ေလးကိုအလိုရွိရင္ေတာ႔ ဒီမွာရယူပါ ........
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